Happy Birthday!

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    I've joined the Birthday Link-Up with Michelle at "A Little Bit of This and That" :) My birthday is
     January 6th.
    January 6th is the Christian holiday Epiphany. I used the word 'holiday' loosely, because I don't know of any Christians who actually celebrate it. A more recognizable term for this day is The Twelfth Day of Christmas :)

    I share a birthday with a few famous people...
    1937 - Lou Holtz
    1981 - Mike Jones
    1984 - A.J. Hawk
    Ok, not that many (see the full list here)...but of course I'm happy to see A.J. Hawk on the list! GO BUCKEYES & PACKERS :)

    Now on to the official Birthday Link-Up Questions:

    How you would spend your birthday, if money were no object?
    I would go on vacation every year for my birthday. What better way to start the new year? And I would love to be in a sunny place instead of in the midwest during winter!
    Favorite birthday?
    18th. I wore a plastic crown to school that said "Princess for the Day", my boyfriend (at the time) made me cupcakes, and my parents' gift to me was permission to go on vacation with said boyfriend's family over Spring Break. Overall awesome day.

    Favorite birthday present you've ever received?
    Probably that vacation.
    Most memorable birthday celebration?
    (1) A combo birthday party with my cousin (1 year older, birthday on Jan. 10th) at Chuck-E-Cheese.
    (2) 21st birthday in downtown Columbus

    Birthday that you are looking the most forward to?
    My next birthday because it will be my first birthday as a married woman!
    When is your birthday? Link up and share!

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