big news!

    I got a job!
    A real, full-time, big-girl, classroom teacher JOB.
    I got the call on Friday the 15th, but have hesitated to tell anyone but family (and friends who live nearby, so we could celebrate!). I wanted to wait until the contract was signed before spreading the wonderful news.
    I will be teaching 6th grade Reading,7th grade Social Studies and 7th grade Language Arts. Yes, that means I will have to plan for 3 classes every single day. 4 if you count differentiating (see, I'm using big teacher words) for my one inclusion class with special needs students.
    I have only been working very part-time (super stress on the "very") for a year, so going back full force will be a shock. But a welcome shock. I need to get out of this apartment. I think JD is worried for my sanity. The only interaction I have some days is with our cat. I'm definitely an animal person, but this is getting out of hand. I refer to him as my soul mate (the cat, not JD....see the problem here?)

    I will also be taking a volleyball coaching position at my new school, so I will be super duper busy. Good thing I don't have anything else going on and I can fully devote my attention to teaching these sweet hooligans. Oh wait, I'm getting married a month after school starts.
    Needless to say, this fall will be a whirlwind of excitement and new beginnings! My principal suggested that I start the year with my new name, to make it easier on the students (and staff). Exciting!

     For the past week or so I've been digging all my papers, lessons, and materials from student teaching out of my closet. I've also spent quite some time on Pinterest finding awesome classroom management ideas, themed printables, posters, and project/craft ideas. In addition to painting an entire wall (which will not be happening...but how cool does that look??), here are some things I'm hoping to incorporate into my classroom:
     I remember this poster from several of my middle and high school classes.

     Not sure why "outside voice" would ever be an option, but this is a cute idea.

    Aside from the incorrect capitalization, I love this!

    Cute rug for a reading area!

    5 simple rules. I think I could pare it down to 2 (Responsible and Respectful), but with 12 and 13 year olds, it would be better to cover all my bases and not be too vague. Not sure if I'll use this method, but it's an option.

     This theme is beyond adorable....and this pack of PDFs is FREE. You get bookmarks, name tags, hall passes, "jungle bucks" reward money/coupons, small labels, a welcome sign, stationary, and pictures for bulletin boards. Head on over to Teach Factory to check it out and see more themes (free and for sale).

    Just yesterday I snagged these gems at TJMaxx:
    (the top left is a tape dispenser)

    Of course I could have gone with the normal shade of leopard print...but what fun is that?? 

    My jungle theme is going to rock these kids socks off.

    And JD got me my very first classroom item: a cute "bookworm" mug!

    Sorry about the shadows; I'm no photographer.
    I'm sure I will be filling (and refilling) it with caffeine here very soon :-P


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